About HMS
Leading the Way in Global Education.
Howell Management Services (HMS) provides innovative solutions for colleges and universities to diversify their student populations, accelerate growth, and establish a global presence. We recognize the importance of education in the world and seek to deliver high-value degree programs to ambitious students.
International Study Opportunities
HMS helps students all over the world apply to and enroll in top-tier, accredited academic institutions in the U.S. and other countries. We recognize the value of education and we strive to help students enroll in academic programs that will increase their overall knowledge, improve their marketability, and develop valuable skills and talents.
If you are currently studying in the U.S. or wish to come to the U.S. to further your education, please contact us. We have provided assistance to thousands of students and look forward to assisting you too.
Academic Partners
HMS will design and execute innovative strategies to grow and diversify your student population, create new revenue streams and deploy your academic institution in other countries. Our proven and validated methods have increased enrollment for our current academic partners by thousands of students. HMS works with institutions that meet the highest level of academic and operational standards.
If you are interested in exploring a partnership with HMS, please contact us.
HMS has established a broad network of domestic and international partners that share a common purpose of connecting bright, eager, well-prepared students from around the world with quality educational opportunities at leading accredited academic institutions. Our partners comprise a growing network of academic institutions in the U.S. and abroad and numerous global recruitment partners.
With the help of HMS, our academic partners have been able to successfully diversify their student populations, dramatically boost enrollment and quickly establish a global presence. We are proud to work with ethical and reputable partners who meet strict academic and operational standards, and who pride themselves on offering exceptional and valuable educational opportunities for students from around the world.

Inform. Influence. Inspire.
We leverage our global communication channels and relationships to inform prospective students around the world about life-changing educational opportunities.
Inform. Influence. Inspire.
We influence our academic partners and stakeholders to create innovative programs that will serve international students, create new revenue streams and grow and diversify their student populations.
Inform. Influence. Inspire.
We inspire prospective students to take advantage of every opportunity to improve their lives and the lives of their families by participating in the high-demand programs offered by our academic partners.